OpenAI's GPT-3 is currently very hyped and on everyone's lips. The transformative potential of such large language models (LLMs) is enormous. Many areas of our ...
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Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share ...
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Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share ...
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Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share ...
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Herzliche Einladung zum Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Hindy Najman (University of Oxford) im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe Bonner Vorlesungen zum Antiken Judentum (BoLAJ)
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This opening lecture will provide an overview of what religion looks like in the 21st Century through the lens of digital religion. The concept speaks to how ...
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Herzliche Einladung zur Semestereröffnung des Sommersemesters am Montag, den 3. April 2023 in der Schlosskirche und Rabinstraße!
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Prof. Dr. Martin Keßler lädt herzlich zu seiner Antrittsvorlesung "Was ist Kirchengeschichte?" am Mittwoch, dem 24. Mai 2023, um 15.00 Uhr c.t. in den Festsaal ...
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An Karfreitag findet bereits ein Gottesdienst von Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hauschildt statt zum Thema: „Das Ebenbild des unsichtbaren Gottes“ (Kol 1, 15a). Am ...
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This summer's G_NET Colloquium will focus on Digital Religion and Digital Theology. The colloquium will be co-hosted by Prof. Dr. Heidi Campbell who is a ...
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