The admission is one of the most important awards for young academics in North Rhine-Westphalia and a strong statement for Protestant theology and the Department of New Testament Studies in Bonn.
As members of the Junge Akademie, the fellows have the opportunity to discuss their projects in interdisciplinary working groups and to exchange ideas with established academics in the academy. PD Dr. Ruben Bühner, who has been employed as a postdoc at the chair of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Rüggemeier since 2023, is currently working on a research project on Jewish-Christian differentiation processes in antiquity and on crisis rhetoric in apocalyptic texts.
05. December 2024
Admission to Junges Kolleg Admission to Junges Kolleg
PD Dr. Ruben Bühner has been accepted into the Junges Kolleg of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts.

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© Ruben Bühner
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