
G_NET Colloquium on Digital Religion and Digital Theology
May 17, 2023 from 03:00 to 04:30

This summer's G_NET Colloquium will focus on Digital Religion and Digital Theology. The colloquium will be co-hosted by Prof. Dr. Heidi Campbell who is a visiting professor at Bonn this semester. Digital Religion and Digital Theology are quickly growing research fields. Yet, while the digital is inter- and transcultural by nature, scholars in the fields of Intercultural Theology and Ecumenical Studies have only just begun to recognize the importance of the digital for future theological research. Therefore, this year's summer series of the G_NET Colloquium seeks to address Digital Theology as an exciting future field for Intercultural Theological research. In doing so, we intend to use the opportunity of the colloquium to bring the new perspectives and methodologies offered by Digital Theology and valuable across the various disciplines closer to the students of Protestant Theology.

G_NET Colloquium on Digital Religion and Digital Theology
Jun 21, 2023 from 03:00 to 04:30

This summer's G_NET Colloquium will focus on Digital Religion and Digital Theology. The colloquium will be co-hosted by Prof. Dr. Heidi Campbell who is a visiting professor at Bonn this semester. Digital Religion and Digital Theology are quickly growing research fields. Yet, while the digital is inter- and transcultural by nature, scholars in the fields of Intercultural Theology and Ecumenical Studies have only just begun to recognize the importance of the digital for future theological research. Therefore, this year's summer series of the G_NET Colloquium seeks to address Digital Theology as an exciting future field for Intercultural Theological research. In doing so, we intend to use the opportunity of the colloquium to bring the new perspectives and methodologies offered by Digital Theology and valuable across the various disciplines closer to the students of Protestant Theology.

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