
Lunch Series
27.06.2024 von 15:00 bis 16:00

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 27 June, we have I. Glenn Cohen as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your (late) lunch while Glenn‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! The lunch series is organized by the Social Ethics Group, University Bonn, in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!

What Does Theology Do, Actually? 4
31.05.2024 bis 01.06.2024

On loci and Locations in Systematic Theology The WDTD4 Symposium will employ highly interactive conference formats, combining scholarly expertise with a strong commitment to the participation of attendees from all areas of systematic-theological engagement. Whether professor, lecturer or student, pastor, parishioner or practitioner of another sort, you are warmly invited to gather with us around those most spiritually upbuilding of research and learning aids - food, drink and conversation!

Lunch Series
16.05.2024 von 12:30 bis 13:30

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 16 May, we have Kathryn MacKay as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your lunch while Kathryn‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! The lunch series is organized by the Social Ethics Group, University Bonn, in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!

Infoveranstaltung Auslandsstudium
08.05.2024 von 14:00 bis 16:00

Herzliche Einladung zur Infoveranstaltung rund ums Thema Auslandsaufenthalt und Erasmus im Theologiestudium

Lunch Series
07.12.2023 von 09:00 bis 10:00

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 7 December, we have Ariel Dora Stern as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your lunch while Ariel‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!

Lunch Series
16.11.2023 von 18:00 bis 19:00

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 16 November, we have Daniel Tigard as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy your – in this case – dinner while Daniel‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! The lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!

“After all, it’s only an animal”
16.10.2023 von 04:15 bis 18:00

A warm invitation to Prof. Dr. Jay Geller's presentation on “After all, it’s only an animal”: Antisemitism, Racism, and the Human-Animal Great Divide on 16 October, 4:15 pm CEST. The presentation is part of the Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series and organized by the Bonn Center for Dependency and Slavery Studies. In his presentation, Jay Geller (Vanderbilt University, USA) will attend to the ascription (and manufacture) of animality that enacted the subordination or marginalization of “the Jew” and the dominance of the Gentile and similarly functioned with regard to a racially-identified group, people of predominantly sub-Saharan African descent (blacks), and the corresponding race-identifying group, people of predominantly European descent (whites). More information can be found for download. To register, please email

Workshop Political Hope Vol. 2
12.10.2023 von 09:00 bis 11:30

A warm invitation to part two of our workshop series on "Political Hope and Collective Action"! In a roundtable format we will discuss with high-level experts from different disciplines the significance, impact and challenges of political hope on collective action. The roundtable will take place on site.

Lunch Series
29.06.2023 von 12:00 bis 13:00

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 29 June, we have Sandra Wachter as a guest in our Lunch Series, who will talk about "The Theory of Artificial Immutability: Protecting Algorithmic Groups under Anti-Discrimination Law". You can find the summary of Sandra's talk in the linked file. Enjoy your lunch while Sandra‘s 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion with your questions! This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. We hope to see you there!

Workshop Political Hope Vol. 1
28.06.2023 bis 30.06.2023

A warm invitation to part one of our workshop on "Political Hope – Technology and Digital Transformation" Our first of several workshops on hope and narratives of social cohesion will take place at the end of June. The first workshop will focus on the role and importance of technology and digitalized ways of life and their relevance for forms of collective action. There are still a few places available on site in Bonn.

G_NET Colloquium on Digital Religion and Digital Theology
21.06.2023 von 15:00 bis 16:30

This summer's G_NET Colloquium will focus on Digital Religion and Digital Theology. The colloquium will be co-hosted by Prof. Dr. Heidi Campbell who is a visiting professor at Bonn this semester. Digital Religion and Digital Theology are quickly growing research fields. Yet, while the digital is inter- and transcultural by nature, scholars in the fields of Intercultural Theology and Ecumenical Studies have only just begun to recognize the importance of the digital for future theological research. Therefore, this year's summer series of the G_NET Colloquium seeks to address Digital Theology as an exciting future field for Intercultural Theological research. In doing so, we intend to use the opportunity of the colloquium to bring the new perspectives and methodologies offered by Digital Theology and valuable across the various disciplines closer to the students of Protestant Theology.

Fortbildung Digitale Religion
12.06.2023 von 13:00 bis 16:00

Der Vortrag und die Fortbildung greifen die Frage nach digitaler Religion auf und erkundet zentrale Aspekte von Religion im digitalen Raum. Was ist wirklich neu und einzigartig an Religion im Digitalen? Das gibt dann einige spannende Hinweise darauf, inwiefern digitale Religion die generelle Entwicklung religiöser Praxis im digitalen Zeitalter widerspiegelt. Anmeldung bis zum 09. Juni über Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos. Es kann eine Bescheinigung über die Fortbildung ausgestellt werden.

Vortrag Digitale Religion
06.06.2023 ab 19:00 Uhr

Der Vortrag und die Fortbildung greifen die Frage nach digitaler Religion auf und erkundet zentrale Aspekte von Religion im digitalen Raum. Was ist wirklich neu und einzigartig an Religion im Digitalen? Das gibt dann einige spannende Hinweise darauf, inwiefern digitale Religion die generelle Entwicklung religiöser Praxis im digitalen Zeitalter widerspiegelt.

Lunch Series
04.05.2023 von 12:30 bis 13:30

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!

Lunch Series
06.04.2023 von 12:30 bis 13:30

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!

Exegeting the Spirit of the Digital
03.04.2023 von 11:30 bis 12:30

This opening lecture will provide an overview of what religion looks like in the 21st Century through the lens of digital religion. The concept speaks to how religion and faith are being lived out on digital platforms, as well as how new technologies guide our understanding of what it means to be religious. Here digital religion will be introduced and defined. Also discussed is the extent to which religion performed “online” reflects and/or shapes traditional religious practices and communities in a digital society.

Lunch Series
09.03.2023 von 12:30 bis 13:30

Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! Each month we invite international experts from a variety of fields to share their cutting-edge research with us. Enjoy your lunch and a 30-minute presentation, followed by 30 minutes of stimulating discussion and Q&A. This new lunch series is organized by the team of the Chair of Social Ethics, University Bonn in collaboration with the Transdisciplinary Research Area "Life & Health" (TRA 3), University of Bonn and the Collaborative Research Centre EmpkinS. Discover new perspectives and network with others. See you there!

Characters in Mind
08.02.2023 14:30 bis 10.02.2023 13:30

The Migration of Characters in Ancient Jewish, Ancient Christian & Greco-Roman Literature and Art – International and Interdisciplinary Conference. Please register for the conference and public lecture:

Online Expert Discussion
08.02.2023 von 14:30 bis 17:00

OpenAI's GPT-3 is currently very hyped and on everyone's lips. The transformative potential of such large language models (LLMs) is enormous. Many areas of our lives will change fundamentally – including the legal system. We want to discuss the transformational potential of LLMs in the legal sphere together with high level international experts, aiming to identify a research agenda on the responsible application and governance of LLMs in the legal domain. Hannah Bleher (University Bonn) and Stella Dörenbach (Hans Böckler Foundation) are organizing this event as part of ZEIT Verlag's Zia Fellowship "Visible Women in Science“.

Tagung: Der Anfang der wirklich Großen Erzählungen
11.11.2022 14:00 bis 12.11.2022 13:00

Herzliche Einladung zur Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Religionsphilosophie, des ifh Bonn und des RAT Wien: "Der Anfang der wirklich Großen Erzählungen. Serielle Identität(en) und serienhafte Existenz"! Anhand verschiedener Serienuniversen wie Game of Thrones oder Harry Potter geht es um die Faszination von Serien und ihre Rolle für die eigene Identität. Eine Anmeldung mit Mitteilung zu Präsenz- oder digitaler Teilnahme ist bis 07.11.2022 per E-Mail an erforderlich. Das vollständige Programm findet sich unter dem untenstehenden Link.

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