Ecumenical Institute
The Ecumenical Institute's purposes are working together across denominational boundaries, building a bridge to the Protestant churches of Eastern and Southeastern Europe, and becoming familiar with developments in theology and the church in England and North America.
© Katharina Opalka, Julius Trugenberger, thorben Alles
Ikonen, Kreuze, Rosenkränze.
Material/Dogmatische Hermeneutiken des Religiösen
12. – 13. July 2024 in Bonn
Prof. Dr. Folkart Wittekind
Director of the Ecumenical Institute
3 .154
Rabinstraße 8
53111 Bonn
Thorben Alles
Research assistant at the Ecumenical Institute
Am Hofgarten 8
53113 Bonn
© Thorben Alles
Former Events (since 2022)
Conferences and Workshops
Ikonen, Kreuze, Rosenkränze. Material/Dogmatische Hermeneutiken des Religiösen, Workshop, 12./13.07.2024 in Bonn (poster).
- Dorothee Sölle und das Politische Nachtgebet, Workshop, 02./03.02.2024 in Köln (flyer).
- Liturgy and Theology. An Argentine-German Exchange, Workshop, 7./8.02.2024 in Bonn (poster).
- Wie und wozu Theologiegeschichte schreiben?, 29.06.-01.07.2023 in Bonn (poster).
- Dorothee Sölle – Die Anfänge, 03./04.02.2023 in Cologne(flyer).
- Theologie nach 1945. Akteure, Ideen, Strukturen. Modernisierungsprozesse und -konflikte aus ökumenischer Perspektive, 15./16.07.2022 in Cologne (flyer).
Teaching and Field Trips
- Lecture series: (Bonner) Wege der Theologie in die/der Moderne. Ökumenische Perspektiven, SoSe 2022 in Bonn (poster).
- Religion und Kunst / Summerschool Religion und Medien 2022: seminar at the documenta 15 in Kassel, SoSe 2022.
International Exchange
Regular guest stays by and with scientists from Prague, Warsaw and Vienna.