The Faculty International

Our work in Bonn is interdisciplinary and internationally networked. Academics and students from all over the world teach, learn and research at our faculty. They work together in international research projects, publish internationally and shape society and the church.

International Scholars

The Faculty of Protestant Theology is honoured to welcome the following renowned scholars for the academic year 2024/25.

You are (planning to be) a visiting fellow at the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Bonn? Have a look at our booklet for international scholars!

Seth Bledsoe
© Privat

Dr. Seth Bledsoe

Seth Bledsoe from Radboud University will be coming to Bonn in January 2025 as part of an Argelander Academy project.

Ruben Bühner
© Privat

Dr. Ruben Bühner

Ruben Bühner is coming to Bonn for two years starting in October 2023 as part of the "Argelander Starter-Kit Grant" program.

Brian Earp
© Privat

Dr. Brian Earp

From 5 to 7 November 2024, Brian Earp from the University of Oxford will be at the Faculty as part of the Lunch Series.

© UNIL-F. Imhoff

Prof. Dr. David Hamidovic

From 5 to 7 June 2024, David Hamidovic will come to the Faculty in Bonn.

Paul M Joyce
© Paul M Joyce

Prof. Dr. Paul M Joyce

Paul Joyce from King's College London will be visiting the Faculty  as a guest researcher from 10 to 15 June 2024.

Isaac Kalimi
© Isaac Kalimi

Prof. Dr. Isaac Kalimi

From 19 to 31 May 2024, Isaac Kalimi will be pursuing his research on the Hebrew Bible as an International Fellow in Bonn.

Kathryn MacKay
© Private

Dr. Kathryn MacKay

From 15 to 17 May 2024, Kathryn MacKay from Sydney will be coming to the Faculty and give a talk on virtue ethics.

Stella Mosetti
© Private

Stella Mosetti

From 9 to 29 January, Stella Mosetti from Pisa is visiting the faculty to work on a joint article on digital brain twins.

Jeremy Punt
© Privat

Prof. Dr. Jeremy Punt

In January 2025, Jeremy Punt from Stellenbosch University will come to the Faculty as part of an Argelander Academy project.

Sheri Prud'homme
© Becky Leyser

Dr. Sheri Prud'homme 

Sheri Prud'homme from California will be at the Faculty of Protestant Theology from January to July 2024.

You would like to join the Faculty as a Visiting Scholar?

Thank you for your interest! As a first step, we recommend that you discuss your plans with the right departmental contact. If you need support, we look forward to hearing from you as well:

Global Perspectives

As a field of academic research with a religiously complex Judeo-Christian heritage and that has developed on a global scale, the field of Protestant theology transcends disciplinary and national borders. Just as the Reformation in the 16th century formed as a dynamic interplay of numerous diverse expressions, so also Protestant theology 500 years later is best understood as internationally oriented and engaged in many different intercultural and interdisciplinary discourses.

The Faculty of Protestant Theology at the University of Bonn is likewise committed to such an understanding of Protestant theology and sets out the following strategic considerations with the intention of maintaining and deepening its international orientation in keeping with that tradition.

News / Events
Erasmus Stay in Nijmegen
In fall 2024, Drew Davis was in Nijmegen via the ERASMUS mobility for lecturers
A Plea for (In)Human-centred AI
New article by Matthias Braun and Darian Meacham in "Philosophy & Technology"
Eva Maria Hille at the FAccT Conference
From 3 to 6 June, Eva Maria Hille attended the FAccT Conference in Brazil
Wolfram Kinzig receives the Giuseppe Alberigo Award 2024
Professor Wolfram Kinzig has been awarded the Giuseppe Alberigo Award 2024 of the European Academy of Religion for his upcoming book "A History of Early Christian Creeds.” The award was been presented to him on 22 May at the annual conference of the Academy in Palermo.
ExStra Funding Granted
ExStra Work-Study Grant renewed – funding for international students via ExStra funds
NeurotechEU Meet-up: Deep Fakes
Impulse, Adenauerallee ...
01:00 PM - 04:00 PM
This year's event will be hosted by Matthias Braun and is entitled: Deep Fakes – Between Nudging and Manipulating Programme 1.00-1.10 pm Welcome ...
Lunch Series
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 21 November, we have Bjoern Eskofier as a guest in our Lunch Series. ...
Lunch Series
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 7 November, we have Brian Earp as a guest in our Lunch Series. ...
Lunch Series
02:00 PM - 03:00 PM
Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 10 October, we have Natalie Smuha as a guest in our Lunch Series. ...
Lunch Series
12:30 PM - 01:30 PM
Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 19 September, we have Jantina de Vries as a guest in our Lunch Series. ...
Lunch Series
03:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Join us each month for a fun and informative lunch on "Ethics, AI and Health"! On 27 June, we have I. Glenn Cohen as a guest in our Lunch Series. Enjoy ...
What Does Theology Do, Actually? 4
University of Bonn
Whole Day
On loci and Locations in Systematic Theology The WDTD4 Symposium will employ highly interactive conference formats, combining scholarly expertise with a ...


Avatar Braun

Prof. Dr. Matthias Braun

3 .118

Rabinstraße 8

53111 Bonn

Avatar Langen, M.A.

Daniela Langen, M.A.


Am Hofgarten 8

53113 Bonn

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